Fairytale Made by Mice

“Oh it is a lovely world, a lovely, dark world.”


A classic fairytale, a heartwarming romance, an animal lovers dream, Kate DiCamillo’s fantasy fiction story is a lovely read.

It follows Despereaux Tilling as the main character featured on the cover of the book.

Get the book! click here

“There is only this one,” he said. “The others are dead.”

The Tale of Despereaux
Kate DiCamillo

Once Upon A Time

A mouse born in a castle, the only one of his litter to survive. He dreams of being a hero, the knight in shining armor, and of course, getting the princess. His older siblings and the entire mouse community declared him as strange, arousing many gasps and dramatic “Mon Dieu’s” from his French mother which means “my god.”

The brave mouse outcasted by his family takes a red thread and a needle to war in this evocative, plot-driven work of art. Will he get his princess?

☆☆☆☆☆ – 5 stars

“Stories are light,” Gregory the jailer told Despereaux. Reader, I hope you have found some light here.


16 thoughts on “Fairytale Made by Mice

  1. I like that your way of reviewing was a little different than some of the other blogs. This really is a great book I read it as a kid! Did you know they made a movie as well?


    1. Yes! I watched the movie in my 4th grade class. I strongly recommend the book over the movie though. The two are very different in my opinion. Glad to see I reminded you of such a great authors work. 🙂


  2. I really like the layout of your blog website, and the book summary gave just enough detail without going too much into the book. I also liked how you added in more than one picture and had quotes with the star review.


  3. I can’t remember the last time someone brought this book up! I loved this book when I was younger. I’m honestly thinking that I’m due for a re-read on this one. Love your blog, the set up looks AMAZING. Can’t wait to read more from you!


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